
Introduction to a Collection of Qing Gold Coins Collected by Emperor Guangxu Bingwu in His Early Years in Kuping;

In the 33rd year of Guangxu, the household department of Tianjin Mint General Factory forged the Qing gold coin Kuping 121 round silver coin. It was the fourth year of the reign of Emperor Gan Zhi. In the 31st year of Guangxu's reign, the Qing government promulgated the "Discretionary Regulations for Reorganizing the Round Law" to carry out monetary reform. "The coins of the three products, namely, Qing gold coins, Silver coinage and Qing dynasty coinage, are universally accepted and belong to all." In the 32nd year of Guangxu (1906) and 33rd year of Guangxu (1907), the Tianjin Mint General Factory of the Ministry of Household designed the models of Qing gold coins made in Guangxu Bingwu and Qing gold coins made in Guangxu Bingwu, with Chinese "Qing gold coins" inscribed on the front center bead ring, the "Guangxu Bingwu" and "Guangxu Bingwu" inscribed on the upper ring, the "Kuping" and "Kuping" inscribed on the lower ring, and a 5-point star engraved on the left and right ends respectively. On the back, a picture of a dragon is engraved in the center, and four week are engraved with cloud patterns. As the "gold standard exchange system" to be implemented by the Qing government could not be implemented under the social, political and economic conditions of the late Qing dynasty when China was poor and weak, the Qing gold coins made in Guangxu Bingwu and Ding Weinian could not be issued in the end. The household department Tianjin Mint General Factory used the design coin templates of these two Qing gold coins to make the one-round silver coins that were in use at that time.

China has a long history of using gold coins. Chu used "Yingyuan" and other Ying Yuan currencies as early as the Warring States period 2,200 years ago. However, China's modern mechanism gold coins began in the late Qing dynasty. as early as the middle of Guangxu period, some officials in the Qing court suggested that China should exercise gold coins. for example, Chen chi proposed in "the general theory of gold pounds" that "it is not necessary to make money, the importance of money is not necessary to imitate gold pounds". in the 30th year of Guangxu period (1904), the Ministry of household raised funds to make gold coins, and put forward specific implementation measures to the court. in the 32nd year of Guangxu period (1906), Tianjin mint formally tried to make gold coins.

The following year, the mint also tried to cast gold coins "made in the year before Guangxu Emperor Bingwu". Apart from the different casting years on the front, the dragon figure, cloud pattern and coil on the back are also different and each has its own characteristics. Kuping, a Qing gold coin made by Emperor Guangxu before the year of Emperor Guangxu, was born in this historical period. It has rich and profound historical details. It is an important physical witness for people to study this historical period today and the historical data are valuable!

Although the "Qing gold coins" were cast on trial, they were not circulated in the end due to the limited amount of gold in our country. They are also rare in the world today. The silver coins of Ding Wei Qing gold coins in Bingwu and the sample coins of Ding Wei red copper are the only ones that have been cast on trial and should be more precious than gold coins.

Recently, Sachi, rich in Xiamen, has collected a set of "Qing gold coins made by Guangxu Bingwu in the early years of Emperor Guangxu. The specifications of the collection are as follows: diameter: 3.9cm 3.3cm 2.3cm 1.8cm 1.6cm, weight: 26.6g 13.2g 5.4g 2.6g 1.5g The coins have been identified as genuine without doubt. This set of coins is a silver sample of Qing gold coins, the collection is well preserved, the handwriting pattern and the side tooth dragon pattern are clearly visible. In the middle of the bead ring on the front of the coin is the regular script "Qing Gold Coin". At the top outside the bead ring is the words "Guangxu Bingwu was not made in the year of Emperor Guangxu". At the bottom is the coin worth "Kuping 1 or 2". At the back of the coin is the picture of a coiled dragon. The four week are surrounded by cloud patterns and light edges. The dragon patterns are clear and elegant. The dragon patterns are exquisite. The grains are visible. Longyan is vivid, and the dragon claws are bold and domineering. It looks like a dragon soaring in the sky, making people very shocked.

This set of coins has a total of five pieces, each with a different face value. From one to two, five, one, five, two, only one or two silver samples of Qing gold coins can be seen in the normal market. I think the whole set of silver samples of Qing gold coins with different face values have never been seen in the market at present. What's more, they are preserved so completely that their rare degree is no less than any kind of gold coins.

Bingwu and Dingwei gold coins sold for more than 2 million yuan. In the spring of 2006 in Beijing, China, one or two red copper sample coins of Qing gold coins made by Emperor Guangxu in Ma Dingxiang were valued at 600,000 to 800,000 yuan, and the price was 2.09 million yuan. In the autumn of the same year, Bingwu made a sample of Qing gold coins in 836,000 META BEAT. In 2007, a sample coin made by Bingwu Nian was shot to 1.12 million yuan in the spring auction in Beijing, China, and a silver sample coin made by Bingwu Nian Qing gold coin Kuping 1.24 million yuan. In China, Beijing's price for this kind of coin is over one million yuan.

"Guangxu Bingwu Made Qing Gold Coins in Year". Silver coins like this have always been the dream of big collectors. Liu Yiqian once said that the collection of this collection with great collection value is fate and blessing. In the middle of the back of the "Qing gold coin made in the early years of Guangxu Emperor" was engraved a lifelike coiled dragon and four week engraved cloud patterns. In China, collectors are extremely fond of this silver coin because the Chinese nation is the descendant of the dragon. According to folk rumors, the dragon on the back of the Qing gold coin made in Guangxu Bingwu in can increase one's luck and make it always under the protection of dragon spirit. hasten lucky avoids disaster, therefore, this silver coin has been deeply loved by collectors.

光绪丙午年造大清金币库平一两一组 藏品介绍:





“光绪丙午年造大清金币库平一两”银币一套,藏品规格为:直径:3.9cm 3.3cm 2.3cm 1.8cm 1.6cm,重:26.6g 13.2g 5.4g 2.6g 1.5g,钱币经鉴定确定是真品无疑,此套钱币为大清金币中的银质样币,藏品保存完好,字迹花纹,边齿龙纹清晰可见,钱币正面珠圈内中间有楷书“大清金币”四字,珠圈外上端有“光绪丁未年造”字样,下端铸币值“库平一两”,钱币背面为蟠龙图,四周绕以云纹、光边,龙纹清晰优雅,龙纹细腻,颗粒可见,龙眼有神,龙爪张扬,威武霸气,观之,仿佛一幅神龙翱翔天际姿态,让人十分震撼。




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