CHINA. Silver Dollar Pattern, Year 12 (1923). Small characters variety. This lovely superb Gem pattern Dollar exhibits needle sharp intricate frosty devices with smooth lustrous satiny fields that display attractive mottled delicate patina thats pleasing to the eye. This wholly original looking survivor retains brilliance, but is slightly subdued by the attractive patination. Clearly an example that was put away early on, handled with great care and sat for a prolonged period of time undisturbed to create this superlative representative destined for a fine cabinet of a discerning collector.<p><em>Often referred to as the "Pu Yi Wedding Dollar," this is in fact a pattern of a proposed design displaying the national emblem with a dragon and peacock.

民国十二年龙凤壹圆银样币。小字版。Gem 级超群品相样币。霜化图文纤毫毕现,底版光泽呈绸缎质感。精緻的点状包浆赏心悦目。全原始品相,璀璨动人,包浆稍微削弱光泽。 显然于早期已经悉心保存,并经长时间静置。专业藏家定会为之倾心。常被成为"溥仪大婚"版,但龙凤设计实为国徽。

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